Life does not consist mainly of facts and happenings. It consists mainly of the the storm of thoughts that is forever blowing through one's minds.~Mark Twain
omaha yoga path | Gay Robinson Abraham

Gay Robinson Abraham

Gay Robinson Abraham

Gay Robinson Abraham

Gay was first drawn to yoga over 30 years ago. She began studying in 1980 with her life-long friend and teacher Margaret Hahn, under whose mentorship she did her teacher training. She began teaching in the mid 1980’s. Over the years she has sought to expand her understanding of yoga through classes with various teachers, including, Ramanand Patel, Kamal Paul, Judith Lasater, Laurie Blakeney, Michelle Desmarais, Tias Little, John Friend, Mary Pafford, Christy Burnett, Susi Hately Aldous and Mark Watson. Gay has found the practice of yoga essential to the process of opening fully to life, and is grateful for the on-going challenges and deepening of her understanding that have come from her relationships with her students and her teachers. She has found marriage and mothering to be profound spiritual practices, and her son Michael and her husband Steve provide the mirrors which continually reflect to her how she needs to grow. She enjoys exploring this ancient spiritual tradition with her students. You can email Gay at: